This year the technological revolution leaves us in awe of continuous novelties. Given the…
The year 2023 has brought with it great changes. Among them, we are experiencing…
The Industrial Metaverse and its potential to transform the company.
by Ignasi Sayolby Ignasi SayolThe Metaverse was a topic that we heard repeatedly in 2022. We associate it…
In recent years, we have experienced a global restructuring marked by pandemics, inflation, geopolitical…
Today, most businesses are linked in one way or another to technology. We continue…
Digital transformation technologies for the agricultural sector
by Ignasi Sayolby Ignasi SayolBy 2050, the world population is projected to reach 9.7 billion people. Therefore, the…
Digital sovereignty: The need to control our digital destiny.
by Ignasi Sayolby Ignasi SayolIn our interactions through social networks, emails, use of applications and so much more,…
Lately, much has been heard about NFTs, acronyms that refer to Non-Fungible Tokens. This…
The Metaverse is a revolutionary development that aims to become our world, but virtual.…
Physical Internet: Integrated technologies towards universal logistics.
by Ignasi Sayolby Ignasi SayolLogistics is in full evolution, after the digital acceleration that we are experiencing, great…