The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is one of the most ambitious geoeconomic strategies…
The New Silk Road: China’s “Belt and Road Initiative”
by Ignasi Sayolby Ignasi SayolThe Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is one of the most ambitious geoeconomic strategies…
Datafication. The Supply Chain Data Ecosystem.
by Ignasi Sayolby Ignasi SayolIn the current era, characterized by digitalization and the constant generation of data, the…
The Lean philosophy has its origins in the 80s, when a group of experts…
Eventos LogisticaEventos LogisticaOutsourcingOutsourcing
CTC Outsourcing moderates the round table in the pharmaceutical sector at the Supply Chain Management Forum held in Barcelona
by Ignasi Sayolby Ignasi SayolThe control of every process as the key to excellence in the pharmaceutical logistics…
Outsourcing en el sector farmacèutic: una eina per generar avantatge competitiu
by Ignasi Sayolby Ignasi SayolThe outsourcing of business processes is an unstoppable trend that is affecting all…