Many times I have spoken to you of the great speed at which new technologies advance. World changes so fast that I am sure that there is somebody in your immediate environment of whom you do not really know what his or her job is about (SEO, Big Data, Machine learning, cybersecurity, business intelligence, etc.). What, just a few years ago, were just technicalities; they have become the professions of the present and the future.
Inevitably, some professions will disappear with technological advancement, but that is something that has happened throughout history. Economic, social and technological development has been determining trends in the labor market in order to adjust the law of supply and demand.
Is the technological advance we are witnessing negative then? The truth is that no; in the same way that some professions will disappear, others are being created and new ones will appear.
The key resides in the ability to adapt to change. Workers who are willing and able to face this new age of change will survive at their workplaces. The old paradigms are no longer applicable; it is essential to be willing to learn and enrich ourselves with knowledge every day. And so organizations have assumed the need for change and also that it must happen fast, because otherwise, their success will be limited.
New professions that appear with technological evolution
Each country has its own situation, of course. But if we are talking in general terms, and we can do so because we live in an increasingly globalized world and therefore we can reach conclusions applicable to almost any country.
Specialist in massive data (Big Data)
Among the most disruptive profiles is the specialist in Big Data. A profile that lately has positioned itself as the most sought in the market.
But what does an expert do with Big Data?
He analyzes the data generated by a company, in any sector, interprets and establishes the necessary lines to improve businesses. He is an expert in areas such as statistics, mathematics or computer science, a specialist in solving problems, analyzing and solving problems without entering into scientific concepts.
Shortly, he analyzes what happens, solves the problem and passes it to the organization in comprehensible words, all without the need to explain the scientific principle as to what happens.
This profession is more than promising. The problem is that until very recently, there were no specific qualifications given. It is now, when professionals can begin to study through masters that unite technology and business. Now there is an interesting offer for this kind of studies.
In the following video you can see one of the possible uses of the analysis of massive data:
Cybersecurity Specialists
As experts say, there are two types of companies: Those who have received a computer attack and those who have not learned that they have received it. This is a reality since all the companies are open on the Internet, and every day they are more. If you are on the Internet, you are exposed daily to thousands of attacks that occur, from anywhere in the world, any day and at any time.
In spite of the huge concern that business administration boards have for network security issues, few know how to focus, they do not know who to address. This is due to the important technological gap between many managers and CEOs of companies and new technologies.
In this context, the figure of the cybersecurity expert, the so-called Information Security Director (or CISO, Chief Information Security Officer) is especially important. Here, graduates in computer engineering, telecommunications and information systems, will find new and exciting opportunities.
Here is one of many videos you can find online about being a cybersecurity expert:
Specialists in bio-3D printing
Bio-3D printing emerges from the combination of biology, the creation of biomaterials and 3D printing. This technology opens the door to regenerative medicine, which undoubtedly focuses on the future of many medical advances.
In this context, specialists in bio-3D printing will stand out. 3D printing of biological structures to implant in the body is in full development and evolution. Thus, although the present is focused on more immediate challenges, the medical opportunities in future will be able to generate in the laboratory, tissues and functional organs that later can be transplanted to patients.
I leave you a video where you can see what has been done in this field:
Specialists in Gamification
The video game industry is gigantic in which we can also see new professions. We can talk about developers, designers or game testers. Although these profiles already exist, they will be enhanced. The experience accumulated in several decades of video game creation made the concept of Gamification appear.
Gamification is the use of techniques, elements and dynamics of games and entertainment, in non-recreational activities with the aim of promoting the motivation of employees in companies. In the end what it is about is to turn a boring, repetitive activity and sometimes not exciting, in something interesting and attractive. It seems an impossible goal but it is a reality, we can see incredible results of its application.
Gamification was first applied in the world of marketing, but it has spread rapidly to other sectors, such as education, culture and scientific research. The successes achieved with this technique make its growth so spectacular now.
In this context, the experts on Gamification appear. Gamification studies and Gamification techniques are aimed at professionals from different fields, such as design and creativity, audiovisual and multimedia, engineers and developers, marketing and communication, psychology and pedagogy, and entrepreneurs and digital professionals. In short, a wide range of professions that can bring a lot to this interesting world of Gamification.
I leave a link where you can see 5 videos that explain how to be an expert in Gamification;
Resuming, we could talk for a while about new professions that are born as a result of the advancement of technology, for example; growth hacker, AI expert, virtual relations manager, blockchain engineer, IoT specialist, talent aggregator, etc. So many, that the list may be endless.
But once again we return to the principal, “renew not to die”. In this case, not to be left out of the labor market.