Speaking about digital transformation refers to the cultural, organizational, and operational change of an…
Ignasi Sayol

Ignasi Sayol
Engineer & MBA. Entrepreneur. President @logisticCluster & @PIMEC Logistics. Compromès amb la meva família, el meu treball, Barcelona i Catalunya.
Smart Fabrics, a technology that revolutionizes experiences
by Ignasi Sayolby Ignasi SayolImagine communicating directly with your clothes for temperature regulation and your outfit responds by…
Digital Transformation in Logistics: Logistics 4.0
by Ignasi Sayolby Ignasi SayolThe exponential growth of online commerce worldwide promotes the acceleration of a trend that…
Tech cities of the future: 6 growing cities as tech communities
by Ignasi Sayolby Ignasi SayolCities have been preparing to enter a global digital transformation. The coordination of all…
Imagine that your body can connect to a data centre. This data can help…
The New Normal is here, in less than four months COVID-19 has changed the…
The world seems to have restarted. Covid-19 has given way to a possible global…
“People should realize that being pessimistic about the world we live in is an…
Sustainable Mobility: Creating solutions to the climate challenge.
by Ignasi Sayolby Ignasi SayolOne of the greatest climatic challenges that the world faces without exception is mobility.…
We are in a full start of the year, a 2020 that opens the…